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Typography & Layout

The goal of this project was to understand the designer and translate him into typography, in relation to space, images, and form for an article feature in a magazine.



typsets remasterd 2.jpg

In this typeset, I focused on caps, width, and height in order to convey minimalism without trying too hard. Working with three fonts that are minimal and don’t necessarily catch your eye I could easily see and shift the weight of these fonts without causing the entire typeset to collapse.


Lucida Fax is a font that is known for its simplicity, regularity, and clarity. A font that is used for educational purposes. The font has a lot of contrast and has a heavy letter, but more space between the letters and therefore conveys quality. In combination with ITC Stone Serif, a font that is known for being a harmonized balance of cap height, stem weight, and proportion. Creating a clean and steady relationship between two fonts. Helvetica spices things up in this typeset and allows a little contrast to disturb the perfect relation the other two typesets have together, which is in line with the destructiveness of Helmut Lang.



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